Gardens of the Dordogne
Gardens of the Dordogne
The Dordogne has a number of stunning beautiful gardens that attract visitors from around the world. From incredibly formal gardens in the grounds of ancient Chateau to more informal gardens, there are gardens to suit all tastes and interests.
Gardens of Planbuisson Dordogne

Gardens of Planbuisson
The Gardens of Planbuisson is a large bamboo and grasses garden covering 1.5 hectares. The collections include more than 180 species of bamboo and 210 species of grasses from around the world.
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Chateau de Eyrignac in the Dordogne

The Gardens of Chateau de Eyrignac
The Gardens of Chateau de Eyrignac are wonderful formal gardens set over a large space.
The garden is split into 5 main areas: the Box Labyrinth; the Plant Sculptures Kingdom; the Manor and French garden; Capucine’s gardens and the White Garden and Flower Meadow.
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The Hanging Gardens of Marqueyssac

The Hanging Gardens of Marqueyssac
The Hanging Gardens of Marqueyssac are unique gardens suspended high above the Dordogne River on a rocky outcrop. They are set in the grounds of the 17th century Chateau de Marqueyssac and are classified among the Notable Gardens of France by the Committee of Parks and Gardens of the French Ministry of Culture.
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La Roque Gageac Gardens

Gardens of La Roque Gageac
La Roque Gageac boasts and area of Sub Tropical Gardens that were planted in the 1970’s.
The exotic gardens are alongside the church, halfway up the cliff, and boast luxuriant sub-tropical and Mediterranean plants including lemon trees, banana trees and many species of palm.
It is thought that these plants do well here due to an unique micro-climate produced by the protection of the cliff and little or no wind.
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Panoramic Gardens of Limeuil in the Dordogne
Panoramic Gardens of Limeuil in the Dordogne
The Panoramic Gardens of Limeuil surround a medieval chateau which was renovated in the 19th century. During this time the the chateau and the gardens were by the then owner. Sadly like many grand properties both the chateau and garden were abandoned until 2004 when the town of Limeuil and the association, ‘Au Fil du Temps’ took charge of the park.
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Water Gardens of Carsac

Water Gardens of Carsac Allac
The Jardins d’Eau are 3 acres of botanical gardens located in Saint Rome, Carsac Aillac, Dordogne.
The gardens are a collection of large ponds set above the Dordogne River that contain 16 lotus species and other aquatic plants including Caltha, Glyceria, Pontederia, and Sagittaria, as well as waterside plants including Cyperus papyrus, Gunnera manicata, Hosta, Iris, and Lobelia.
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Gardens of Chateau Hautefort

The Gardens of Chateau Hautefort in the Dordogne
From the 17th century, there have been formal gardens at Hautefort. However, the latter were destroyed during the following centuries, to give way to those we now admire today.
In 1853, Count de Choulot undertook a complete remodelling of the gardens at Hautefort at the request of the Baron de Damas, who became the owner of the Château de Hautefort by marriage to Charlotte de Hautefort in 1818.